The Music Academy Friday Program 2020 begins on the 28th February with a Conservatorium-style Performance Class. The week after, the Academy welcomes guest artists clarinetist Robert Schubert and Old Boy MSO Cellist Rohan de Korte. Next up, the Academy students will take part in a workshop with percussionist Campbell Phillips with valuable away-from-the-instrument class, focusing on rhythm and pulse. On the 20th March, Inventi Ensemble bassoonist Matthew Kneale will take WoodWind class and the week after that will be a series of Orchestral Excerpt Classes.  

After the Term finishes, during the second week of the Easter Holidays, Camberwell Grammar's Music Academy will host the Australian Romantic and Classical Orchestra's Young Mannheim Symphonist's State Intensive.

Finally, as something to look forward to at the end of the year, the  Inventi Ensemble will be Artists in Residence at Camberwell Grammar School later in the year.

What a fantastic lineup so far! We can't wait to see how music students respond to the learning opportunities that will be presented.

For more information on these events and how to participate, contact the Music Academy