Our teachers are specialists in educating boys; engaging, supporting and challenging them as they progress through each stage of development in our Junior, Middle and Senior Schools.

Teachers in this department work with students in a variety of ways. This includes the provision of Literacy and Numeracy classes focused on explicit instruction and targeted skill development for each student so that they can achieve optimal outcomes.

We also provide individual or small group sessions which are designed to target skill development for students who may need additional time and support to consolidate their learning. We are driven by a belief that when provided with such opportunities the boys can and will experience success in their learning.

Student Learning Profiles

In addition, to ensure they receive the support they need in all classes, Student Learning Profiles are created for each student diagnosed with a learning difficulty. Staff liaise with classroom teachers, form teachers or tutors, other support personnel and outside specialists to develop classroom strategies and individual plans and to monitor student’s progress.